Five Tips to Consider when Creating a Visitor Management Policy

Having a well-defined visitor management policy for both your employees and visitors is paramount, especially today. Provide the highest efficiency and security for your lobby operations while maintaining overall safety in your workplace by establishing a well-communicated plan with a solid process framework to manage visitors, creating an informed emergency response plan, and securing access to data.

Here are some helpful visitor management policy tips to protect your company:

  1. Establish a clear chain of command and authorization path: Having a clear escalation and approval path will greatly improve the processing of visitors and/or facility-related issues in the lobby. A clear chain of command will ensure the proper escalation of issues to keep your lobby operations running efficiently.
  2. Ensure receptionists and staff understand visitor requirements: Ensuring staff members are aware of the visitor policies and requirements is essential to guaranteeing consistency when processing visitors and responding to unexpected issues. Create consistency with visitor processes and information transfer to streamline your front desk experience and increase security.
  3. Maintain records of all visitor activity: Having an accurate and accessible record of visitor movement is a sound practice in any environment. The ability to query your database and instantly access data can be profoundly useful. This information can be beneficial in meeting requirements for SOC2, PCI, and other compliance requirements. The ability to filter by visitors, dates, and other variables is extremely useful for contact tracing if needed.
  4. Establish comprehensive understanding of facility requirements with visitor agreements: Whether it’s guidelines and protocols while visitors are on premises or non-disclosure agreements, requesting visitors to review and acknowledge these documents can keep everyone safe, ensure visitors understand specific requirements when visiting your facility, and protect the company’s rights and privacy.
  5. Leverage technology for efficient and secure management: A cloud-based Visitor Management systems can enable organizations to efficiently and securely manage both visitor and employee movements. Having a system capable of supporting multiple entry points, locations, and/or tenants, while centralizing the processes and data, delivers a level of productivity you cannot obtain from a paper-based log. Contactless check-in, visitor preregistration, and notifications to alert hosts that their visitor has arrived, improves the safety and efficiency of your workplace. It also allows your lobby staff to focus on security and other productive tasks. Real-time notifications can also instantly inform and instruct both visitors and employees in case of an emergency. Having accurate data of both your staff and visitors during emergencies provides an accurate account of those present, which can be used for roll call or to provide first-responders.

Given the many challenges facing facilities today, visitor management systems are a smart step forward towards providing your employees and visitors a safe and secure environment.

EntryLogic provides a streamlined front desk experience that allows you to efficiently implement a visitor management policy that can track and manage employees and visitors throughout your facility, increasing security and accountability. Start your trial today!

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a brief call or demo, please contact our Customer Success team. We are here to assist and always ready to help you select the best options to meet your needs.